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Saint Lucia Rum and Geographical Indications
August 19, 2024

St. Lucia Distillers Limited has applied for the registration of a geographical indication “SAINT LUCIA RUM” under the Geographical Indications Act, Cap. 13.14. A Geographical indication is used to identify products that have characteristics originating from a specific place or region which in turn has effect on the product’s quality and reputation.    A Geographical Indication allows any interested person, producer or consumer to prevent a person, through presentation or designation, from falsely claiming and misleading the public that a product originates from a specific region it does not.    Indications excluded from protection under the Geographical Indications, Act include: 1. Indic...

Minimum Wage Developments in Saint Lucia
May 18, 2024

Saint Lucia has recently proposed a new minimum wage order which was published in the Gazette, inviting comment and objections from the Public.  Currently in Saint Lucia there is no enforceable minimum wage. Members of the public have been invited to provide comments or objections to the proposed minimum wages up to the 6th June, 2024.    Minimum Wage in Saint Lucia is governed by Division 5 of the Labour Act.  Division 5 of the Act establishes the framework for setting, implementing and enforcing minimum wage standards in Saint Lucia in an effort to ensure fair wages and working conditions for employees.    Employers are required to pay the minimum wage and they are required to maintain ...

Saint Kitts and Nevis Alternative Investment Option: New Form of Finance But Not Without Risks
November 19, 2022

The Government of Saint Christopher introduced the Alternative Investment Option under the Saint Christopher and Nevis Citizenship by Investment (Amendment) Regulations, 2021 which provides a new avenue for financing of private enterprises in Saint Christopher (Saint Kitts) and Nevis wishing to access funds from persons desirous of becoming economic citizens.  The Alternative Investment Option for Private Enterprise Development allows a person who invests a minimum of US$200,000.00 in an approved infrastructural project or other approved development project to qualify for citizenship under the Citizenship by Investment Programme.  This is certainly a welcome development, as the developmen...